Outdoor gear is more than just clothing—it’s a collection of stories tied to sustainable outdoor gear, eco-friendly clothing, and pre-loved adventure apparel. From the sunrises witnessed on rugged trails to the rainstorms weathered in the great outdoors, each piece carries memories of connection to nature and adventure. At LANDOVERLAND, we’re here to ensure those stories don’t end when you’re ready to move on from your gear.
That’s why I’ve created a simple and rewarding way to turn your well-loved outdoor clothing into something bigger than yourself—an outdoor clothing donation program designed to reuse outdoor gear and promote sustainability. way to give back, earn some money, and support sustainability.
### How to Donate Outdoor Gear to LANDOVERLAND
We’ve streamlined the process to make it easy for you to join the movement:
📸 Snap a Photo: Capture a clear photo of your outdoor clothing. Showcase its unique features and highlight its adventure-ready quality.
📧 Email Us: Send your photo to me at jason@landoverland.com. Include a brief description of the item and its condition.
🛠️ Get Selected: If your item meets our criteria, we’ll curate it and feature it on the website for resale.
💵 Earn: For every piece sold, you’ll receive 20% of the sale price. It’s my way of thanking you for helping keep quality gear in circulation.
Why It Matters
By donating to LANDOVERLAND, you’re doing more than clearing space in your closet—you’re supporting sustainable fashion initiatives and helping reduce textile waste. You’re:
Fighting Fast Fashion: Keeping durable, high-quality clothing out of landfills and extending its lifecycle.
Supporting Sustainability: Reducing waste and conserving resources by recycling instead of discarding.
Building Community: Connecting with like-minded adventurers who value quality, style, and the environment.
Let’s Preserve the Past to Protect the Future
Every piece of outdoor gear has a story to tell, and together, we can ensure those stories continue on the trails where they belong. By joining the LANDOVERLAND donation program, you’re not just passing along clothing—you’re contributing to a movement that values timeless style, sustainability, and the spirit of adventure.
✨ Ready to join the movement? Start by sending your photos today! Together, we’ll turn ‘me’ into ‘we’ and build a more sustainable future, one piece at a time.
Visit LANDOVERLAND.com to learn more, shop sustainable vintage fashion, or donate outdoor gear online, and take the first step toward making a difference. 🌿